Lions' Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition

Table of Contents


The most famous suppressed book in computer history! Used as an Operating System textbook at MIT"After 20 years, this is still the best expostion of the workings of a 'real' operating system." — Ken Thompson

Source code listing for the Lions' Commentary in PDF and PostScript

Chapter 5 Two Files

 * Structure of the coremap and swapmap
 * arrays. Consists of non-zero count
 * and base address of that many
 * contiguous units.
 * (The coremap unit is 64 bytes,
 * the swapmap unit is 512 bytes)
 * The addresses are increasing and
 * the list is terminated with the
 * first zero count.
struct map
        char *m_size;
        char *m_addr;

5.3 malloc

Algorithm is first fit.

 * Allocate size units from the given
 * map. Return the base of the allocated
 * space.
 * Algorithm is first fit.
malloc(mp, size)
struct map *mp;
        register int a;
        register struct map *bp;

        for (bp = mp; bp->m_size; bp++) {
                if (bp->m_size >= size) {
                        a = bp->m_addr;
                        bp->m_addr =+ size;
                        if ((bp->m_size =- size) == 0)
                                do {
                                        (bp-1)->m_addr = bp->m_addr;
                                } while ((bp-1)->m_size = bp->m_size);

5.4 mfree

  1. 根据地址搜索释放内存的所在位置
  2. 3 cases:
    1. 与前面一段合并
    2. 与后面一段合并
    3. 插入空内存列表
 * Free the previously allocated space aa
 * of size units into the specified map.
 * Sort aa into map and combine on
 * one or both ends if possible.
mfree(mp, size, aa)
struct map *mp;
        register struct map *bp;
        register int t;
        register int a;

        a = aa;
        for (bp = mp; bp->m_addr<=a && bp->m_size!=0; bp++);
        if (bp>mp && (bp-1)->m_addr+(bp-1)->m_size == a) {
                (bp-1)->m_size =+ size;
                if (a+size == bp->m_addr) {
                        (bp-1)->m_size =+ bp->m_size;
                        while (bp->m_size) {
                                (bp-1)->m_addr = bp->m_addr;
                                (bp-1)->m_size = bp->m_size;
        } else {
                if (a+size == bp->m_addr && bp->m_size) {
                        bp->m_addr =- size;
                        bp->m_size =+ size;
                } else if (size) do {
                        t = bp->m_addr;
                        bp->m_addr = a;
                        a = t;
                        t = bp->m_size;
                        bp->m_size = size;
                } while (size = t);

5.6 prf.c



5.10 panic

"update" causes all the large block buffers to be written out. 一旦产生panic,就进入运行idle的死循环。

Chapter 6 Getting Started


  1. 创建进程0
  2. 创建进程1(exec /etc/init)
  3. sched–>sleep–>switch从进程0调度到进程1

Chapter 7 Processes

The definition for "process" given, "a program in execution".

7.2 The pro Structure

struct  proc
        char    p_stat;
        char    p_flag;
        char    p_pri;          /* priority, negative is high */
        char    p_sig;          /* signal number sent to this process */
        char    p_uid;          /* user id, used to direct tty signals */
        char    p_time;         /* resident time for scheduling */
        char    p_cpu;          /* cpu usage for scheduling */
        char    p_nice;         /* nice for scheduling */
        int     p_ttyp;         /* controlling tty */
        int     p_pid;          /* unique process id */
        int     p_ppid;         /* process id of parent */
        int     p_addr;         /* address of swappable image */
        int     p_size;         /* size of swappable image (*64 bytes) */
        int     p_wchan;        /* event process is awaiting */
        int     *p_textp;       /* pointer to text structure */
} proc[NPROC];

p_textp is either null or pointer to an entry in the "text" arary.

 * Text structure.
 * One allocated per pure
 * procedure on swap device.
 * Manipulated by text.c
struct text
        int     x_daddr;        /* disk address of segment */
        int     x_caddr;        /* core address, if loaded */
        int     x_size;         /* size (*64) */
        int     *x_iptr;        /* inode of prototype */
        char    x_count;        /* reference count */
        char    x_ccount;       /* number of loaded references */
} text[NTEXT];

7.3 The user Structure

 * The user structure.
 * One allocated per process.
 * Contains all per process data
 * that doesn't need to be referenced
 * while the process is swapped.
 * The user block is USIZE*64 bytes
 * long; resides at virtual kernel
 * loc 140000; contains the system
 * stack per user; is cross referenced
 * with the proc structure for the
 * same process.
struct user
        int     u_rsav[2];              /* save r5,r6 when exchanging stacks */
        int     u_fsav[25];             /* save fp registers */
                                        /* rsav and fsav must be first in structure */
        char    u_segflg;               /* flag for IO; user or kernel space */
        char    u_error;                /* return error code */
        char    u_uid;                  /* effective user id */
        char    u_gid;                  /* effective group id */
        char    u_ruid;                 /* real user id */
        char    u_rgid;                 /* real group id */
        int     u_procp;                /* pointer to proc structure */
        char    *u_base;                /* base address for IO */
        char    *u_count;               /* bytes remaining for IO */
        char    *u_offset[2];           /* offset in file for IO */
        int     *u_cdir;                /* pointer to inode of current directory */
        char    u_dbuf[DIRSIZ];         /* current pathname component */
        char    *u_dirp;                /* current pointer to inode */
        struct  {                       /* current directory entry */
                int     u_ino;
                char    u_name[DIRSIZ];
        } u_dent;
        int     *u_pdir;                /* inode of parent directory of dirp */
        int     u_uisa[16];             /* prototype of segmentation addresses */
        int     u_uisd[16];             /* prototype of segmentation descriptors */
        int     u_ofile[NOFILE];        /* pointers to file structures of open files */
        int     u_arg[5];               /* arguments to current system call */
        int     u_tsize;                /* text size (*64) */
        int     u_dsize;                /* data size (*64) */
        int     u_ssize;                /* stack size (*64) */
        int     u_sep;                  /* flag for I and D separation */
        int     u_qsav[2];              /* label variable for quits and interrupts */
        int     u_ssav[2];              /* label variable for swapping */
        int     u_signal[NSIG];         /* disposition of signals */
        int     u_utime;                /* this process user time */
        int     u_stime;                /* this process system time */
        int     u_cutime[2];            /* sum of childs' utimes */
        int     u_cstime[2];            /* sum of childs' stimes */
        int     *u_ar0;                 /* address of users saved R0 */
        int     u_prof[4];              /* profile arguments */
        char    u_intflg;               /* catch intr from sys */
                                        /* kernel stack per user
                                         * extends from u + USIZE*64
                                         * backward not to reach here
} u;

Chapter 8 Process Management

8.9 swtch

2247: If you check, you will find that none of the procedures which call "swtch" directly examines the value returned here.

Only the procedures which call "newproc" which are interested in this value, because of the way the child process is first activated!

Chapter 9

9.3 Interrupt Handlers

clock   pcrint  
rkintr  pcpint
klxint  lpint

Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2015-03-05 Thu 23:21

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
